
Communication between teachers and parents is vital to each child’s success at school. We keep open lines of communication through our website, newsletter, Schoolzine App (SZapp) and Facebook page.

Reporting to Parents


Term 1

Grade Overviews

Parent Questionnaire

Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations

Term 2

Grade Overviews

Student Achievement Reports

Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations (by request)

Term 3

Grade Overviews

Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations

Term 4

Grade Overviews

Student Achievement Reports

Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations (by request)


Written A - E reports are provided in Terms Two and Four and are followed by an opportunity for Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations.


Please feel free to make an appointment at any time to talk about your child’s progress with your child’s teacher. Open lines of communication assist both parents and teachers and ultimately benefit the child. Quite often a word from parents can help teachers to understand marked changes in behaviour and attitude. Interviews with class teachers may be arranged before or after school hours by writing a note or email to the teacher or by phoning the office. The Principal is available by appointment. Parents can be assured of the Principal’s interest in any aspect of school life that is of concern.